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Activist GroupsSwitching off lights and eating less meat? Well and good but your impact can be much greater by joining activist groups. Here are some to start with - recommendations welcome! We hope you can find groups to join that suit your own preferences and circumstances.
1treellion Movement - Building a community for our planet around trees, aim to plant trees to cool the planet. - international movement of ordinary people working to end age of fossil fuels building a world of community-led renewable energy for all. Citizens' Climate International - Non-profit organization, mission to empower citizen volunteers exercise personal and political power in the shaping of effective climate policy. Climate Reality Project - Recruits, trains, mobilizes people to become powerful activists, providing skills, campaigns, and resources. Climate Coalition - UK's largest group dedicated to action against climate change, asking politicians commit to doing whatever is necessary. Climate Changemakers - Community advocates for equitable, science-based climate policies and pro-climate-action leaders. Deep Adaptation Forum - Connecting people, fostering mutual support and collaboration anticipating, observing, and experiencing societal disruption and collapse. Deep Transformation Network -Online community recognizing civilization in existential crisis, engaging with others toward a life-affirming future on a regenerated Earth. Earthly Institute - Mobilising change by bridging the gap between the law and science of our living world through education, advocacy and research. Ebafosa - Ecosystem Based Adaptation for Food Security Assembly, Framework for ecosystem based adaptation that ensures food security in Africa. Extinction Rebellion - Decentralised, international and politically non-partisan movement using non-violent direct action and civil disobedience. Fridays for Future - Fighting for our future and lives because they are directly threatened by the climate crisis and the ecological breakdown. Friends of Trees - Inspires people to improve the world around them, planting trees together, get a tree, volunteer. Global Assembly - Run a Community Assembly,school, workplace, neighbourhood or anywhere else,in person, or online. Greenpeace - Fragile Earth deserves a voice, share campaigns on social media, volunteer, find a job in an office or on a ship. GreenTeensClub - Group of high school kids who believe that living a greener life now means a better life for our future. Schools for Climate Action - Non-partisan, grassroots, youth-adult campaign, mission to empower schools to speak up for climate action. Scientist Rebellion - Scientists and academics believing we should expose reality and severity of climate and ecological emergency by engaging in non-violent civil disobedience. Students Organising for Sustainability - UK student-led education charity focusing on sustainability, work spans across issues of justice and wellbeing. Third Act - People over 60, "experienced Americans", determined to change the world for the better. UCL Climate Hub: a community for change - Collective of people committed to a new era of positive climate action. UK Student Climate Network - Group of mostly under 18s taking to the streets to protest lack of action on Climate Crisis. Union of Concerned Scientists - nonprofit organization, mission: to use rigorous, independent science to solve planet's most pressing problems. We Don't Have Time - Review platform for climate solutions, Power of many enables us to influence businesses, politicians & leaders. | Language Translation
OrganizationsThese are mainly organizations such as 'Think Tanks' that are actively concerned with climate change and environmental issues and welcome your support.
AAAS - Climate Change Resources, provides resources for scientists to act as leaders on the issue of global climate change. African Centre for a Green Economy - Working with governments, civil society and private sector providing advisory services enabling Africa transition towards green and inclusive economy. Amazon Conservation Team - Partners with indigenous and local communities protecting tropical forests and strengthening traditional culture. Climate Central - Independent group of scientists communicating climate change science, effects, and solutions to the public and decision-makers. Climate Emergency Fund - We support the brave activists waking up the public to the climate emergency. We raise funds for and make grants to the disruptive nonviolent climate movement. Climate Science Legal Defense Fund - Ensuring that scientists can conduct research and advocate for science without threat of political harassment, censorship, or legal intimidation. Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) - Formed to create a new center of gravity in the climate movement by uniting frontline communities and organizations into a formidable force. Communitopia - Provides transformative climate change education that develops today's climate leaders and advances equitable solutions. - Mission to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Fairventures Worldwide - Good Forests as Climate Solutions,action against climate change by supporting smallholder farmers to reforest in the tropics. Friends of the Earth International - grassroots environmental network, uniting national member & local activist groups on every continent. Future Earth - Global network of scientists, researchers, and innovators collaborating for a more sustainable planet. Job One For Humanity - Non-profit, independent climate change think tank, provides "big picture" view and analysis of climate systems creating current climate change emergency. Liology Institute - Dedicated to fostering a worldview that will enable humans to thrive on our planet harmoniously and sustainably. Nature Action 100 - global investor-led engagement initiative supporting greater corporate ambition and action on reversing nature and biodiversity loss. Ocean Rebellion - Sea rising, coral fading, while the oceans are plundered we protest, protect our waters like you protect your children, crew & lifeguards wanted, join us. Pachamama Alliance - Inspiration and training to regenerate planet's ecosystems, bring justice to communities and restore relationships with the Earth, each other and ourselves. Practical Action - People in poverty can change their world, Farming that works, Energy that transforms, Cities fit for people, Resilience that protects. Raw Foundation - Making Waves, helps to educate, engage and empower young people to move towards sustainable consumption and production. Resurgence & Ecologist - Presents a vision of the future where economics enhances ecology, politics preserves peace and democracy ensures social justice. Stop Ecocide International - Developing global conversations around recognition of ecocide as a crime, at diplomatic level and across society to share knowledge and inspire legislative change. Years Project - Multimedia storytelling and education designed to inform, empower and unite in the face of climate change. Latest additions. |